Novi Sad Tour – A Time Travel To The 1960s

Festival Summer at the Gallery Square 2021

By celebrating six decades since its opening, The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection invites you to an unusual travel story. From the museum garden, we will be teleported back to Novi Sad in the 1960s. The visitors will put together a puzzle made of stories about people, events, buildings, localisms and, most of all, about the surrounding in which Novi Sad and the whole generation of people grew in. This time machine will be operated by Srđan Bošković, a historian, president of the Association of Tourist Guides of Novi Sad, and the founder of  ”Novi Sad Tours“, a project organized by the travel agency Putokaz 021.

Lecture by Srđan Bošković.


Starts: 22. July 2021.
Ends: 22. July 2021.




Back Garden of GMS and PBMC


Free entry
  • Suitable for: All ages