Virtual depot
Museum depots are hidden spaces inaccessible to the audience, where the largest number of museum exhibits are kept. The depot of the Gallery of Matica Srpska houses 90% of the entire art collection. Thanks to contemporary technology, representative objects (paintings, graphics, drawings, sculptures) have been digitized and a virtual depot space has been created that you can “peek into” via our application.
Instructions for starting the application: The application is launched by clicking on the GMS_PC_Version icon. When starting the application, it is necessary to wait for about 10 seconds. When you press the “access virtual depot” button, you need to wait a certain time, depending on the performance of the computer, the startup process will be faster or slower.

The virtual depot was realized within the project Digitization and virtual presentation of the GMS art collection, in cooperation with the Faculty of Technical Sciences with the support of the Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities and OTP Bank of Serbia.