Preschool and elementary aged children
Thanks to the educational programs that we have been implementing for more than a decade, over 40,000 children have experienced the Gallery of Matica Srpska, especially the Children’s Room, as their own space, and continued to visit it. The sense of belonging, pride and satisfaction with which they return and walk through the Gallery is the greatest confirmation of the success of our work.
If you are an educator or a teacher, visit us with your group of children and indulge in a unique artistic adventure! In addition to the current program, you can choose a topic from our previous programs in accordance with your needs and educational work and schedule a visit.

Our educational programs are characterized by:
- clearly defined themes based on works of art from the GMS collection,
- realization of programs in a unique environment of the Permanent Collection and the Children’s Room – a space specially intended for children, in a duration of 45 minutes,
- workshops and interactive work based on learning from experience and personal engagement of the children,
- getting acquainted with basic museology and artistic concepts – what are galleries and museums, what is kept in them (paintings, graphic prints, icons, drawings, sculptures …) and who works in them (curators, conservators …),
- a publication from the My Gallery edition with the help of which children can continue to expand their knowledge on a certain artistic topic in kindergartens, schools and at home,
- developed cooperation with the preschool institution “Radosno detinjstvo”, the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, elementary schools and private preschool institutions,
- after visiting the Gallery, in kindergartens and schools, children can express their experience artistically using a variety of techniques,
- At the end of the school year and the educational program, the Gallery organizes an exhibition of children’s works created as a result of their visit.
*Educational programs for children are financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and the Administration for Culture of the City of Novi Sad.
We are offering you the following educational programs:

Once upon a time, there was a painter: Uroš Predić
In order to introduce preschool and elementary school children to the life of Uroš Predić, an educational program dedicated to this artist was designed. By observing the original works of art and listening to the stories of the museum educators, children have the opportunity to learn interesting facts about Predić’s upbringing and education, travels, friends and the subjects he liked to paint the most. The idea of the program is for children to get to know not only the work of one of the most important national artists in an interesting and interactive way, but also to get to know the time in which he lived in order to build a positive attitude towards culture and artistic heritage.
Download the booklet.

My City. Art Stories of Novi Sad
The educational program was designed to celebrate Novi Sad’s newly bestowed title as the European Capital of Culture. The idea of the program is to get our youngest residents and their friends from other cities acquainted with the rich history and cultural heritage of Novi Sad through stories about its origin, growth and development. Through observing the works of art, they can learn more about the people who lived and created in it and who we now call the heroes of the City. They can learn about its recognizable symbols and green oases, and about how people used to spend their time in the City. The idea of the program is to awaken positive feelings towards the rich cultural heritage of Novi Sad in children, and the awareness of its importance.
Download the booklet.

My Art Adventure. Discovering Europe through the Works of Art
The educational program was created with the idea that in 2018, as the year of European cultural heritage, children be introduced to the cultural heritage of Italy, France, Germany, Hungary, Austria and other European countries. Exploring the stories of the travels of Serbian adventure artists and observing selected works of art in an interesting and creative way, children get to know the countries and cities of Europe and their cultural heritage. Through a wide range of motives, artistic themes and ideas, children create an image of themselves and thus an image of the world in which they live.
Download the booklet.

Artistic Time Travel. People and Events in the Works of Art of the GMS
The educational program is designed with the idea that the youngest visitors, with the help of works of art from the Permanent exhibition of the Gallery, learn about important events, historical figures, heroes, heroines and their virtues. By discovering which qualities adorned heroes, kings, ladies, painters, poets, as well as “ordinary” people, children discover not only all about the characteristics of human beings, but also what history is and how time is counted. By encouraging curiosity and directing their attention to certain human virtues, they also come to know about role models and patterns of behaviour.
Download the booklet.

Feel the Art. Experience the Works of Art through Your Senses
In this educational program, children learn how they can enjoy the works of art of the Gallery with all their senses. In front of selected paintings and sculptures, children have the opportunity to learn by playing about their senses and what they do. By looking at a work of art and with the help of imagination, they discover whether and how one can hear, taste, feel the touch, and smell. By aiming children’s attention to observe particular phenomena and qualities of the works of art, we want to contribute to the engagement of all of their senses, which enriches their experience with works of art. Through this program, the children develop another special sense – “the museum sense”.
Download the booklet.

Treasure Hunt. Children’s Guide through the Gallery of Matica Srpska
The program and the accompanying publication are conceived as a children’s tour through the Permanent exhibition, where children, together with the museum educator, search for artistic treasures. Following a specially prepared map and solving various educational and instructional tasks, they discover important National works of art of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries through games, and learn about different art techniques and materials, themes, motifs and art elements.
Download the booklet.

Magical Animal Kingdom
Through the works of art as an educational tool, children get acquainted with the animal world in paintings. Through various activities and games, they expand their existing knowledge about domestic and wild animals, animal species and habitats, fantastic creatures and heroes of fables, but also learn different art techniques and ways of depicting animals in art. In addition, in conversations with the museum educator, they discover how everyone can take care of animals and their environment. In this way, children are not only encouraged to be curious about the world that surrounds them, but also to develop a relationship with nature.
Download the booklet.

Once upon a Time, there was a Painter… Paja Jovanović
To mark the 150th anniversary of birth of Paja Jovanović, a special educational program was designed and dedicated to this artist with the intention for the youngest to get acquainted with the life and work of the great painter. Through thematic units: Life and Work of Paja Jovanović; Customs of Serbians, and people of other nations of those times; Pictures tell stories of the past; Beauties and heroes from Paja’s time, children have the opportunity to learn more, not only about the life and artistic work, but also about the time and space in which the painter created. Through Jovanović’s paintings, children learn about the history, cultural heritage and customs of both Serbians, and people of other nations alike.
Download the booklet.

Paintings and Sounds – Musical Instruments in Artworks from GMS
The goal of the program is to introduce children to works of art that show different musical instruments, as well as the sounds they produce. In front of the artworks from the Permanent exhibition of the 20th century, children learn about the types of musical instruments and their sounds. In addition to the instruments, they are encouraged to imagine the sounds that come from urban and rural areas (on the street, at a game, in a restaurant, in nature …) shown in the pictures.
Download the booklet.

Beauties and Heroes
In front of selected portraits and historical compositions from the 18th and 19th centuries that show beauties and heroes, the children have the task to describe clothing, hairstyles, poses and details such as swords, jewelry, fans, flowers and other accessories. The idea of the program is, through portrayed personalities and their lives, to introduce children to the meaning of the terms “beauty and heroism” that was then, and the way it is now.
Download the booklet.

My Portrait for the Museum
The My Portrait for the Museum program is the first educational program done in cooperation with the Preschool Institution “Radosno Detinjstvo”. Through the stories of the curators, children have the opportunity to learn about children’s portraits from the 19th century that are displayed in the Permanent exhibition, and by observing them, they learn more about themselves, answering the questions – Who am I? What do I like? What am I playing with? Thanks to the story about the paintings, the children discover when children’s portraits appeared in Serbian art, how the children dressed and presented themselves – with a toy, a pet, a book, with family members. During the program, they are motivated to compare the lives of children in the past and children today and recognize similarities and differences.
Download the booklet.
Educational programs in French and English
Based on the foundation of educational programs for children, and in cooperation with the French Institute in Serbia – Novi Sad and the Center for Foreign Languages SOHO from Novi Sad, we introduced programs for learning foreign languages, French and English, through the story of art and culture. Through games and play with curators and teachers of foreign languages, children get acquainted with the cultural heritage that is preserved in the Gallery in an interesting and creative way, while adopting new terms in a foreign language and expanding their vocabulary.
The programs are intended for children aged 7 to 14 who are learning French and English in educational institutions and language schools.
Educational programs and publications in English:
- The Treasure Hunt – Download the booklet.
- Feel the Art – Download the booklet.
- My Art Adventure – Download the booklet.
- My City – Download the booklet.
- Once upon a time, there was a painter: Uroš Predić – Downlad the booklet
Educational programs and publications in French:
- La chasse au trésor – Download the booklet.
- Моn aventure artistique – Download the booklet.
- Ma ville – Download the booklet.
- Il était une fois un peintre: Uroš Predić – Download the booklet
Educational programs and publications in German:
- Es war einmal ein Maler: Uroš Predić – Download the booklet

Professional development of educators
The good cooperation between the Gallery of the Matica Srpska and the Preschool Institution “Radosno Detinjstvo” is reflected in the seminars created for educators, which aim to train and develop professional competencies of educators that they will be able to use social environments, such as museums, within their educational work with children. The seminar includes presentations by experts from the Gallery of Matica Srpska, the Preschool Institution and the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, as well as workshop activities.
Educators have the opportunity to get acquainted with the social role and importance of museums in the 21st century, the theoretical foundations of informal education, experiences and methods of the Gallery of Matica Srpska in educational programs for children and the importance of artistic expression in children’s development. Through the presentation and workshops, they get acquainted with the resources that the Gallery has to offer for the independent creation and execution of the specific programs and have the opportunity to design activities that would be implemented with their group of children. In this way, the Gallery and the Preschool institution create conditions for an array of self-sustainable educational programs and offer everyone who works with children to leverage the opportunity and materials for learning inside the museum.
For all your questions contact the GMS museum educators via email at: or via telephone: +381 21 4899 017.