Through a variety of themes and narratives, the exhibitions convey a variety of messages from artworks and educate us about art, as well as their creators.

Sport in art. The art of sports

The exhibition includes 44 works of art and objects created in the period from 1858 to 2018. In the Cultural Center of Serbia, selected works from the collection of the Gallery of Matica Srpska, the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republika Srpska, the Museum of Yugoslavia, the “Sava Šumanović” Picture Gallery in Šid, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Legate House in Belgrade are presented. The selected works are signed by artists Sava Šumanović, Ivan Radović, Petar Dobrović, Ivan Tabaković, Steva Todorović, Petar Omčikus, Dušan Todorović, Bojan Bem, Uroš Đurić and Tomislav Peternek, as well as Henry Moore, Andy Warhol, Cy Twombly, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Gottfried Helnwein. and James Rosenquist. Also, the Paris audience will have the opportunity to see sports props, medals and photographs from the collection of the Museum of Yugoslavia and artistic photographs from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade.

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Opening date:
June 20, 2024

Closing date:
July 20, 2024

Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris

A conscious abandonment of reality: Sava Sekulić i Ilija Bosilj

The exhibition A conscious abandonment of reality: Sava Sekulić i Ilija Bosilj presents 67 works of these two artists from different museum collections, and is accompanied by two documentary films: the film about Ilija Bosilj is the work of director Žika Mitrović and was produced by Centarfilm, while the film about Sava Sekulić is directed by Slobodan Pešić also offers segments of conversations with the artist himself. The exhibition is complemented by documentation, including a letter from Jean Dibiffe about Ilija’s art, written when Dibiffe included it in his collection (which today forms the Collection dell’Art Brut in Lausanne). Considering the importance of the artistic works that are exhibited, because they are two of the most internationally recognized authors from the domain of raw art, but also about works that from the very beginning move in the border area of ​​contemporary and art brut, the exhibition also has a certain theoretical artistic aspect that contributes to its importance.

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Opening date:
June 14, 2024

Closing date:
September 1, 2024

The Gallery of Matica srpska

Pomorišac – Vasa Pomorišac

Pomorišac’s artistic path developed from his native Modoš, through Zagreb, Munich and Belgrade, all the way to London and Paris. His recognition in the world of art is evidenced by numerous commissions and works executed in various media, various themes and for various needs – from portraits, religious and mythological compositions in oil, through historical and folk motifs in fresco painting, stained glass and book illustrations, to designs for banknotes, but also a good reception by critics and positive opinions of the then professional public, colleagues and society in general. Also, cooperation with Matica Srpska was not absent. He was the last, the eleventh scholar of Matica Srpska, which is why it is no coincidence that the 175th anniversary of the Gallery of Matica Srpska, which began with an exhibition of the works of the first scholar Uroš Predić, was rounded off with an exhibition of the works of Vasa Pomorišac.

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Opening date:
June 13, 2024

Closing date:
September 8, 2024

Museum of naive and marginal art, Jagodina